During the May 2022 trip, we chose to further accompany the travellers who visit Mamorwa throughout the year.
Marc’s presence as ‘the bridge’ between the travelers and the Mamos, allowed a deeper understanding of the wisdom message that lies within Mamorwa. In one month we received nearly 20 people coming from 11 different countries.
What a challenge for our translator during the fire circles! We were able to organise a 5-day spiritual retreat for 6 volunteers who benefited from this healing journey.

These volunteer groups have been a real gift to Mamorwa, starting with the arrival of Alex Dyche from the USA. Indeed, Alex quickly noticed that translating interested him and a chance to further his personal development.
After the retreat, he devoted himself to learning Spanish as well as the knowledge necessary to translate a Mamo’s word, supported by Marc and the Mamos themselves.
It seems that Mamorwa is now welcoming its second Mamos bridge, a pivotal role in the development of this project!
Apparently everything is going well for him as he is still on site sharing with the visiting volunteers, his belly well filled!
The family is growing and is bringing with it valuable skills such as the translation of texts into English and Spanish, as well as the editing of a first video for Mamorwa, which is in preparation.